+27834344289 Nembutal Pentobarbital causing death within 15–30 minutes

Pentobarbital (Nembutal) is a short-acting barbiturate sedative-hypnotic that is widely used for anaesthesia and euthanasia. It is also recommended as a drug for euthanasia or assisted suicide due to its rapid onset of coma and perception of a peaceful death (peaceful exit). These popular media reports of pentobarbital being a peaceful method of suicide have led to increased interest in obtaining it


Too bad your potions can’t give you better intelligence! Thanks for the post scammer!

Location: Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa
Organization: MTNNS-1
Email: [email protected]


What in the Jonestown Kool-aid is this guy selling? Literal suicide drugs? UM…whatever the SA equivalent of the FBI is, over here…yeah this guy.

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