Company name is Just Geek LLC
justgeekllc. com
Number is 1-844-828-8572
I think these guys know my voice from a few weeks ago.
I found them from a cold call number. One of the morons gave me this number during the call before I pissed him off.
I waited a few weeks to try them, but they may recognize me, as they had little interest in helping me, and told me to handle it myself.
The problem I described to them was that of ransomware, he told me to run a scan and deal with it myself. Sounds like some great fucking professionals wanting to make money…right? They wouldn’t remote in unless I registered first.
In my personal opinion they probably deal with popups and/or cold call messages all day long and hardly get calls on this number.
Anyway, could someone else take over exposing them. I don’t want to throw their number out on BobRTC without some kind of proof.
Their listed address is some residential house in Texas.
They tend to not answer late in the afternoon.