I have decided to take my scripts public to raise a bigger Army to fight these scammers. Scam baiting is slow and tedious. This is much more effective.
Please check my Git for all the scripts… Requirements:
1.) Need to setup an Asterisk or FreePBX Server (Easier with FreePBX). If you don’t know how to setup a FreePBX server, on fiver, there are plenty of guys that can do it for you for $15-20.
2.) Need SIP Trunks. I suggest Flowroute. They hate scammers and they let me do what I do. They just don’t care. Note: Toll Free numbers are free to dial. Flowroute is ridiculously cheap. I paid $80 5 months ago and I’m already at $30. Even with the amount of flooding and merging I do.
If anybody is thinking about giving this a go, it is possible to run both Asterisk and FreePBX on a Linux VM on a Windows machine, as long as your box has the grunt for it.
Hey, first of all thanks for this! Hoping you can help me, I got everything setup and calls are going out fine but when answering the call it just has a tone as if someone pressed a button and says the word “spam” then hangs up. It doesn’t play any audio file