Scammer Number:+1 (984) 382-8765 “~ Lisa”
Scammer Website:
Any Other Scammer Info:group message from “~ Lisa”:
COINBOX Contract Trading Competition has begun. Please support and vote for Mr. Paul. The top three analysts will share a $10 million prize and receive $100 million in trading funds from the COINBOX Foundation. Please vote for Mr. Martin. After Mr. Martin completes the Global Cryptocurrency Contract Analyst Competition, he will issue tens of millions of dollars in bonuses to all members who participate and support him! Vote every day and get a $5 bonus:money_with_wings:
Can you please share more details?
@ScammerRevolts @Jhawk, I think this post needs to be moved to “SELF REPORTING”.
Why do you think that?
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Sorry I missed the top. My bad.