Dummy head refund scammers | (808) 204-8568

Scammer number: (808) 204-8568
Scammer website: none
Fake service they are refunding:
Any other scammer information:


“Dummy Head Scammers”, holy shat that is so F’ing funny.

I agree. the guy wanted me to download and run UltraViewer_setup_6.5_en.exe.

Just spent 20 minutes with this guy before he discovered my computer is Linux and therefore the “cancelation process isn’t supported”.

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Those messages are hilarious

Received another email yesterday referencing this number, this time for Geek Squad. Confirmed it is active as of this morning.

And the callback number for ‘John Williams’ is (802) 538-1327. He sounds bored, so call him a lot.

John just called me back again from (315) 933-7278. I just kept repeating ‘hello?’ until he got frustrated and hung up.

These “Dummy heads” are still answering today 11/17 as Geeks.

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So uh… guys, I broke "John Williams (called him mr. weiner) and Paul white. They may not answer in for a while hahahah

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