Facebook scammer - Keshack - (548) 901-4171

Scammer number: (548) 901-4171
Scammer’s social media page:

Any other scammer information:

He has a new page:

MR Twitter hahahhaha :chicken:

Nigerian scammer, just saw what hosting provider he is using and its Nigerian.

Real name and number???

REPORTED and left this message on posts" If you were scammed once they are hoping on your desperation to be scammed again. DON’T FALL FOR IT, THIS IS A SCAM"

Blocked within 5 posts!

I got also blocked when i asked “hows life in Nigeria”

I can’t tell if his number is spoofed. its showing up as a Canada landline number.

check his real name and number that i found on his registered website

I meant the one he has listed on the page…

ofcourse its a spoof number. the scammer is in Nigeria and i meant why not call his real number :wink:

and why not call both numbesr and see if the same person picks up?!?

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