Fake Command Prompt for Scam Baiting is Complete (For Windows)

Hey guys! The Ultimate Fake Command Prompt for windows is ready! I do not share EXE files but I have provided open source C++ Source code, which you can change and compile yourself on Microsoft Visual Studio. The source code can be found on: GitHub - LynxGeekNYC/fake_command_prompt: Microsoft Commpand Prompt Emulator for Windows 10 for Scambaiting (Under Development)

PLEASE READ THE “READ ME” FILE FIRST! A lot of important information on how to run it and the functionality


It’s possible to flush the input buffer before a command has finished processing. If, for example, a scammer types “tree”, into the “command line”, you can have it do something like this to get rid of what they type before it shows up and then ignore any further input for a random time interval.

else if (param == “tree”)
//run the tree command

//get rid of anything that has been typed into the console while waiting

//ignore further user input for a random number of seconds between 5 and 20
int WaitTime = rand() % 5000 + 20000;


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Another entertaining thing to do is just have it run the tree command in an infinite loop. There’s always the classics like just have it display an ASCII art tree too.

Hahahahaha!!! YESSS Lets to do it!!!

Doing the endless tree loop as we speak and adding keyboard interrupt.