This scammer picked up with phone real quick about my License Key has expired. $399.99 is going to be expired. Now he wants me to go to google he takes Alpemix | Ücretsiz uzaktan bağlantı, uzak masaüstü, remote control, remote desktop ve uzaktan yardım programı. alpemix indir Lol so I asked him what is a License key and he failed so I put the link blow and I called him out but that’s the site this phone number uses to gain access into your computer but then he started swearing and me and I swore back and yeah hang up of shame sorry scammer.
He kept denying it was a scam and he is like im gonna report your number to the police
I made him think it was his own number calling him with a simple robocalling trick, don’t know if he was triggered or not, but from the reaction, a lil bit surprised.
I tried this one and got a Life Alert deal for anyone over the age of 50. Press 1 if I’m over 50. I did. Then a seemingly live American accented woman who informed me a bit of the deal and asked what my age was. I said I was 65 (while giving a terrible older person voice) and she said I qualified. Then she said I was to be directed to a representative who could tell me more. Then silence for about 10 seconds.
I said, “hello?” and click. They hung up. Might have detected I was calling with a bogus number from Hangouts. I tried calling again but now I’m getting it’s disconnected.
Funny thing is I feel like her voice dialogue was completely scripted but pretty convincing. Probably wouldn’t have mattered what I said.
This is now a retail rebate scammer
Now it’s a travel rates scammer