Free voucher Scam +1 844 808 8666

They claim to give 100 dollars worth of vouchers. When you accept they will ask for your full name, then your adress with zip code, then your credit /debit card info over the phone. They will also pressure you to do it quickly so you dont waste the time of customers that are in line. Note that they do block your number after you decline. If anyone knows of any software that changes your number after every call please share with me below. Also I just started scam baiting today and I had terrible luck getting in contact with scammers. I made nearly 40 different calls to scam numbers and only 1 picked up. I also watched SRs video and,,, dont work anymore. I haven’t got a single tech support pop up all day. Any help would be appreciated.

They’re generally active Monday-Friday 9am-5pm American Central and can be easily farmed here during those hours.
I also think its funny they’re A FULL 12 hours behind that American Time zone.

The number is still active. I just missed with the scammer for about 20 minutes