Scammer number: 805-302-3620
Scammer website: N/A
Fake service they are refunding: Device Protection Plan
Any other scammer information: Email from Rubi Hudson [email protected]
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Dumbass femchode answers as PP and the caller ID has “Rainbow Water Store”
I’m finding that scammers follow this pattern:
- Try to get access to a PayPal account, even if the scam is for some sort of virus protection subscription
- If it’s for a subscription refund, try to hype up hackers and IP address compromised (tech support scam?)
- And then fall back to doing the refund scam.
I guess it’s a lot of scaring people even before the refund goes through.
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True…I’ve encountered many sending OTP’s as of late. Easy enough to make fake amazon accn’ts, then sign in so the code won’t work.