How to find lots of fake support numbers (HQ)

Hello everyone, this is my quick and easy tutorial on how to find massive listings of tech support numbers and sites. There have been tutorials posted already on how to get pop ups, thats not the focus of this tutorial. This one is easy and really simple to farm massive lists of fake tech support.

So its well known scammers will do anything to try and get victims to give them money. A popular tactic of scammers is to try and get traffic to their site. So this can be anything from purchasing ad space. And to spamming links to their tech support scams on multiple sites. Even here on TSU, we’ve had numerous scammers posting THEIR OWN info on here. Tech support scammers have turned some forums into cesspools for posting their scams. Classified posting sites mostly. Basically a place for free advertisement. Even some obscure sites like sites for hotels have been turned into basically free advertisement posting. Some scammers provide “contact” emails that they use for multiple different scams, so you can find sometimes 3-4 scams from 1 company. The funny thing is they often times get lazy and end up using their call center IP address to spam theses posts. And can lead to their IP getting leaked.

[color=red]Note: Some legitimate business do post on classified sites. So make sure you research the company before you start calling and messing with them! [/color]
Above sites listed are classified sites that you can find a bunch of scams on. You’re welcome.

You can hit Ctrl+F and search for things like printer, HP, support, help, ect… And sometimes find the IP’s and email addresses for scammers :joy:
You can even search for an email address to see if its tied to an IP that was used to spam a forum.

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