Hello everyone,
I need someone to take these guys out for me. They are relentless, I never answer the phone but they keep calling. This is the number they left me with in the voicemail: 314-926-1331
Have fun.
Hello everyone,
I need someone to take these guys out for me. They are relentless, I never answer the phone but they keep calling. This is the number they left me with in the voicemail: 314-926-1331
Have fun.
If they aren’t going away, you should take time to troll them yourself!
Gave them a call using this fake ssa generator Free SSN Generator | SSN-Verify.com
Was able to screw with them for a good 15min XD
I’m not good at that type of stuff. =(
Ha, thanks man!
Just tell them anything, even flat out say you know they’re a scammer and then hang up! Anytime they’re on the line with you is less time they have to scam someone else!