Medicare phone call

Scammer number: +1 732-952-1081
Scammer website:
Any other scammer information:

Claimed to be Medicare. I answered.

I tried that number, and got a robo-answer about “If you or a loved one need to go to rehab, press 1.” There were three other choices for weight loss, etc.
Sounds somewhat scammy, but no mention of Medicare in there.

Wow! Completely different from their script on the phone.

Yeah, the “Medicare plan” call I got recently seems to have morphed into a “$100 gift card” scam. I say it’s a scam mostly because they ask for a credit card number for the “postage” to send the card to the fake address I gave them. I give them a fake card number, and the call doesn’t continue very long after that.
I gotta call that one some more, and I’ll call the one you reported and see if I get the “rehab” thing. Do you remember the late actor/comedian Foster Brooks, who often portrayed a lovable drunk? I used to do impressions of him, and I think I might have to try that routine, depending who I get when they answer. (I’m not denigrating anyone who actually needs rehab for anything, but that robo-answer “just doesn’t sound right” somehow.)