Paypal (858)280-4622

Scammer number: (858)280-4622
Scammer website:
Fake service they are refunding: Bitcoin, $831.14
Any other scammer information:

Aug 21, 2024
Payment Confirmation

Respected Clients,

Thanks for Purchasing Bit-coin with us.

Thank You for choosing Paypal for placing your Order BITCOIN.Your order has been successfully placed.

Purchase details:

Your Transaction ID: 58AE4876-SX8987644
Merchant Transaction ID:45RX9745646445543440

Purchase Date: Aug 21, 2024
Product Name: Bit-coin(BTC)

Transaction Status: Approved.
Bit-coin Quantity: 0.014

Amount: $831.14


If you did not recognize this transaction or want to cancel, Please contact Toll-Free Customer Support

Number:+1 (858)280-4622.

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Please do not reply to this Email. This mailbox is not monitored and you will not receive a response.

Got a guy who asked for my email, zip code and also question why I am using a voip number. :smiley:

They do check email address on PayPal before they start the script. He knew I was not a good victim.

After some exchange of foul language, his boss jumped on and started going on how crazy I am. :smiley:

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