Scammer number:
Scammer email: MICROSOFT COMPANY [email protected]
Any other scammer information:

Wed 6/26/2024 4:36 AM

Just won yourself a sum of $50,000,000.00( FIFTY MILLION DOLLARS ) on our random email selection on microsoft prize winning exercise on 15ND January 2024. This exercise is held periodically and is organized to encourage the use of the Internet and promote computer literacy worldwide.You are to provide the below personal information to enable us process your claim:

(1). Full Name:

(2). Address:

(3). Nationality/Gender:

(4). Age:

(5). Phone:

(6). Country

Congratulations once more from the entire management and staff of Microsoft Cooperation to all our lucky winners this year. Thank you for being part of this promotional lottery program. Our special thanks and gratitude to Bill Gates of Microsoft and all his Associates for alleviating poverty around the world.

note that your award information was released with the following particulars microsoftcompany

(1). Award Numbers: UK/149/2022

(2). Batch Numbers: MSOFT/421/8PDH

(3). Reference Numbers: GB/54/132/921/MSOFT

CONTACT MICROSOFT COMPANY ( [email protected] )

Satya Narayana Nadella


Mrs Elaine Costanzo Duke

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That is funny. Satya Nadala is reaching out to you? WoW!
And… he is using gmail :slight_smile:

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