((+2349022657119)).. Voodoo.. HOW TO JOIN OCCULT FOR MONEY RITUAL IN N

(+2349022657119) send a voice record on WhatsApp for a direct phone call +2349022657119
The ROYAL EAGLE :eagle: brotherhood of the billionaires, HAVE THE POWERS AND formulas to keep a steady flow of money coming through your doors and includes wealth-drawing, and to bring riches into your own life and ultimately get whatever it is you want out of your success.
Ultimately, achieve whatever you want to your life or career. Imagine yourself never having to worry about money, again – having all the wealth you will ever need and enjoying the fruits of your successful endeavors.
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Thanks for posting your own scam on here lmao, peace out scammer :joy:

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@ScammerRevolts LOL this is so weird I never thought I see a scammer on TSU so he basically committed justice to himself???

@ScammerRevolts LOL royal eagle priest what the heck is the guy on LOL???Drugs will do that to you still such a goofy name LOL

"This is the first time Royale_Eaglepriest has posted "

May I presume this was also the LAST TIME @ScammerRevolts, lol.


Maybe he was confused and thought this was where the scammers congregate. Wow what a dumb-ass!

Their English…in Nigeria…is subpar. So that’s exactly what he thought. So funny.

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@Cali4niya WOW I learned something today - thank you!

Do I detect sarcasm here? :rofl::rofl::rofl:

@Cali4niya NO NO - I’m serious! I like to learn new terms. Like chutiya