(518) 650-1330 Refund

auto-renewal of $299
light em up

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Just finished flooding them. They disconnected their number and I recorded it. I made them angry enough when I called them on the same number and when I called on a different number with voice changer, a scammer raged.

you use a call flooder?

I used bobrtc. I don’t know how to code. :frowning:

no, because it doesnt really do anything except them having to change their phonennumber which is easy for them to do, thats why I dont flood them unless its beeen a while, what I like to do is 1.syskey 2.delete files. 3.RAT if I can do oneof those 3 then im happy
and that actually damages them

bobrtc is an info service right you cant flood with them right?

@KingJamis1am guessing anydesk is only software u can delete files with? cant do with teamviewer etc

u can flood with bobrtc u just need to open multiple tabs
n no u can use any software to delete files but anydesk is the easiest

cool buddy do you use post on youtube or twitch if record it?

i record sometimes i posted 1 deletion vid

I check their carrier. If it doesn’t say anything on the info, then this number is spoofed.

ok sorry for being a dumbass am on bobrtc i signed up to matrix how do you even dial numbers from it? I dont see it :frowning:

Search a number, or just try to find a number that’s active, and try to call them. There are a lot of features to troll them.

And I don’t call and try to bait scammers because I feel like scammers are catching on to scambaits nowadays. I also don’t have a good pc.

hit phone book then u can click numbers and call em (the toll-free numbers are free so call those)

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That’s what I forgot to put in.

are they catching onto the bait? even if they get 1 victim for 99 baits they win I feel.

I feel the US authorities could do much more to stop this happening maybe its me, forget about India police more corrupt than the scammers!

yea their catching onto the bait but some of them still fall for it

Mainly this year, since we are in lockdown, the scammers have more time to find secrets in scambaiting and watch youtubers. This year I feel like they evolved more quicker.

So annoying if everyone just hung on these morons they would not be open and we would have to find something else to do!