A few Quickbooks numbers

Some of these numbers may already be known, others may not but there is never any shortage of fraud numbers
Separate from my main extensive database I have a database of almost 200 Quickbooks numbers, most of which have remained active for a long time.
I also have an airline, hotel, Amtrak train and car reservations database which has in excess of 3000 numbers.
Separate fraudulent hotel reservations numbers are in large quantities of active toll free numbers, which have operated daily for many years.
There is two very shady companies operating under the same corporate umbrella, who list a couple of toll free numbers each on their websites. The truth is they have in excess of 5000 toll free numbers which are active daily so their main numbers do not attract attention when being reported when it all goes awry.
Multiple agencies and review sites including the BBB have active warnings to exercise caution and discretion when dealing with these companies. The tales of horror continue to mount daily against these unscrupulous operators hiding behind a registered LLC.
The mountain of previous class action and civil litigation suits against these places doesn’t deter them and the fines imposed are laughed off as a small price to pay while stealing millions
My main database has daily active list of between ten and twenty thousand mostly toll free numbers across all types of scams, including refund, tech support popups, Facebook and every other type of fraud
It’s not hard to track their activity and new number acquisitions when they activate them daily

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8557380359 Quickbooks support (ViciDial)
QuickBooks Desktop Support +1–855–738–0359 Number - James Aultman - Medium https://www.google.com/search?q=855-738-0359&newwindow=1&sca_esv=883983b3b9cb61ac&sxsrf=ACQVn0-PpFzyq5DfPz8TFST7GE8X9Z7H4w%3A1712369059799&ei=o60QZpqxMOKP2roP9omK8Ag&ved=0ahUKEwjajqLsv6yFAxXih1YBHfaEAo4Q4dUDCBA&uact=5&oq=855-738-0359&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiDDg1NS03MzgtMDM1OUiz9AZQ5-kGWODtBnAEeACQAQCYAdEBoAGUA6oBBTAuMS4xuAEDyAEA-AEBmAIBoALWAcICBBAjGCeYAwCIBgGSBwMyLTGgB8wF&sclient=gws-wiz-serp#ip=1
8177524983 Quickbooks support
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8666965974 Quickbooks support ivr 1
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8557380359 Quickbooks support (ViciDial)

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Scammers really do love their quickbooks and airline support scams lol

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I’m going to dump a list of almost 350 airline, car reservations and all sorts of travel toll free numbers.
I put this list together almost a month ago
The list revealed large consecutive blocks of numbers all going to the same place when I verified them, despite some having websites claiming to be every airline and travel agency entity under the sun, the same names and voices answered on every number repeatedly throughout the blocks :rofl::rofl:

It will be hard to lay it out as there is Google search results and websites for the majority of them tacked on after the number and descriptions

I won’t make a separate post for them all, as I’ll still be here at Christmas finalizing them all.

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