All numbers work - Spectrum dummies 855-854-0854 and/or 0858 and (877)-893-0653

These Benchods just asked me for gift card payment. That was a first time they ever asked!!!..… time to call again!!!..…

Update: Bill will get pissed easy…… and one of them asked me if I was Trilogy Media???.. and if I was running a YouTube channel……lmao!!!..…

I have them on the ropes, they are getting pissed with me, jump in now please and also around 6pm eastern


adding a new closer number Closer#844-596-2110 he is expecting payment with Target gift card

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These chodes are still using the same numbers and it sounds really busy there, good for them bad for us, please help slow them down

These guys are real idiots. I called the number and the person wanted to connect with I said the standard it’s blocked and he said it was the scammers blocking the service. He then said he would scan himself and do the 3 scans.

1st can result: he claims I had a foreign address without even connecting to my PC. This guy is so stupid! Lmao :joy::joy::joy:

He then wanted my smartphone. I told him I don’t have one because i didn’t pay the bill and only had a landline.

At this point I got bored as we were on the call for over 30 minutes. I tried to troll but he hung up

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They are STILL answering using the Spectrum automated voice. Then a benchode answers and I told him off for ‘trying to scam my grandmother’.
He denied each and everything. 'Who told you I scam?" Well…I’m telling you because Spectrum doesn’t accept gift cards. He still denied everything. I waited till he hung up. I hope I cost him a few dollars.

They will try to deny it, but when I push them a little and tell them I’ve run them through their entire script and call them a thief they start cursing.

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