All numbers work - Spectrum dummies 855-854-0854 and/or 0858 and (877)-893-0653

Scammer number: 855-854-0854 and/or 0858 closer number 877-893-0653
Scammer website:
The closer number is where they take the gift card number from the victim after the fresher makes the deal, hit them hard on this number later in the day to prevent real victims from calling in. Any other scammer information: I post this often becasue: long running, scam they take in $10k+ per day, 25-30 thiefs in the call center, they use hacked Spectrum data to make their scam seem legit. Today they were open at 9am eastern and after my calling in over and over they shut it down till 11am eastern. We can have an impact!!! 855-854-0854 and 0856 (they just shut down 0851 and 52. They are ready to scam from 9am to 8pm eastern time around 30-35 guys. When Simon answers I say “Simon says I’m a thief!!” He hates that and Oliver can not pronounce his name, Russel too. I tease them about their English, as what their family thinks of them sleeping all day and sleeping all night, ask if their family is proud of them They updated number 855-854-0852 0854 50% off spectrum services, hard to run them through the script as the use data breach info to verify spectrum account, read other posts on the subject spectrum and call, either run them through of just call and then then you know they are a thief and ask them why they do such bad things, God will get them for this, they scam thousands of dollars a day.

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I won’t have much time today, please take up the slack!!!

Hi guys please help blow them up today especially the closer number later in the day
closer number 866-327-9313 and adding another 866-203-5980

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0854 and 0856 were just taken down!
These guys did not like all the calls.

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Thanks for making their day!!! The numbers are still working verified from my text free and a land line, once they block your number on one you are blocked on all their numbers you are blocked at their forwarding system. The numbers are working for me but they seem to be unwilling to answer right now

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Sunday morning…both lines hold music 866-327-9313 and 866-203-5980

they are there till 8 eastern tonight 855-854-0854 56 and 58 are the numbers I have been using today

They scam Monday through Saturday 9am to 8pm eastern time, from what I can gather the newer freshers and less successful ones are made to work the full 11 while others have 8-9 hr shifts

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One call center has half day on Saturdays.

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They are at it every day, guy at local
Walgreens said 8 people came in one day last week looking for target gift cards he warned them all away

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just called 866-327-9313 this is the closer’s number and heard one the closers screaming his head off at someone, garbage!!! Blow the little mothers up

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Lets call these scammers!

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Daily Dummies are at it again today, 30-40 scammers will get 2-3 people each @ ~$600 $18k or more of target gift cards. Something should really be done about this.

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These number are working, as long as you have not been blocked by them before you will be able to call in and abuse or fool them, Daily they are stealing from our friends, neighbors, and relatives !!! Help stop them.

I am asking then if they saw an old woman getting robbed on their way home would they try to stop it. Garbage working to steal money from us today, help stop them, blow the little motehrs up over and over.

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So glad everyone is still on these benchods!!!…. This org number still works
(888) 330-5137…… they are so angry at me!!!... I just hit the hornets nest!!!..… they are mad!!!..…

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Thanks for keeping on them and putting up another number, going to put them through their entire script today

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Numbers are still up and working!

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Another one here, seems to just be hold music atm but may pick up later - (877)-893-0653


All numbers in subject are working verified, if youhave been blcoked on one you will be blocked on all, you’ll need a new number to call from. textfree app or other calling app