Are there any restrictions for webscraping this site?

I’m interested in making a bot that automatically scrapes valid scam numbers, verifies that they aren’t a legitimate business, then sends them to me somehow. I didn’t see anything about webscraping or bots in the TOS, so I’m asking here before I try to do this. I wasn’t going to share any numbers off site, and this is part of a bigger project I’m trying to make that automates scambait calls. It’s just for fun and I won’t share any numbers without permission. This question is mainly for SR but others can comment as well.

Sure I guess nothing I could really do about it anyway unless I gated the site but it will eventually rate limit you pretty quickly as the forum has over 5k posts which 99% are scammer numbers, also keep in mind most numbers after a day or so go down so I would guess the bulk of them would end up being dead or moved over to generic gift card type scams and this would get worse the older the topic is.

I plan on only scraping the site every 30 minutes or so, so I probably wont get rate limited. The older posts don’t matter; I’ll only get the most recent posts that I haven’t scraped already. I can check if the number is still up easily most of the time so the dead numbers wouldn’t be much of an issue (it’s only a problem if they have a prerecorded message, but I can manually filter those). All the old posts (~ 2 days or older) would be automatically filtered.