Do I need to run NordVPN in the vm if it’s running on the host?

It just occurred to me after three months of scambaiting, should I also have the vpn installed on the vm (virtualbox)? I’m using NordVPN.

No, you don’t run a VPN on the actual VM. To hide your IP address from scammers you would run the VPN on the host machine. I am moving this topic as it is a scambait question and does not belong in the general category. Please make sure you are selecting the right category when posting.

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Running it on the host is best in my opinion. If you’re letting scammers access your VM they will likely notice you’re running it there. Run it on the host and then open a web browser in your VM and go to or and see if it’s showing your public IP as something other than what you actually know it to be just to be sure you’ve got things running the way you want.

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Sorry sir. Will do next time. Thanks for the reply to the question. Love your site and videos.

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Always the host OS for your VPN. And make sure the killswitch is turned on to the most aggressive setting

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