Facebook hacker scammer (970) 703-4679

Scammer number: (970) 703-4679
Scammer’s social media page: Redirecting...
Any other scammer information:

This guy is still very active. He’s blocked me on his main page but his sock puppets haven’t.

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Hmm, yeah seems like Facebook definitely still have its reputation kept in place on hosting these scammers.

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I am convinced that Facebook is actively supporting scammers at this point. These scammers all came to one friend’s post that mentioned being hacked. That means they are paying for tools that crawl the site looking for keywords in real-time. Someone is making money on that and looking the other way on what keywords they’re looking for and how they are using the information. And if that Someone is not Facebook directly, they are still involved indirectly.

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Bumping this up because I have seen this guy active again. If you haven’t yet, report him and leave him a bad review.

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Scammer is active, increase the calls fellas.