Fake Popup 888 4083057

Scammer number: 888 4083057
Popup link:
Any other scammer information: On the phone now. He has scanned my device from his end. All my files are encrypted. There’s child corn etc. etc. and gambling. Hackers have attacked my network!! He’s removing them. Thank goodness I’m safe now. Oh no. There’s still 5 left. Waiting to hear how to fix it. He’s repeating himself over and over. FTC is the solution. I have to end the call.


Call went on for 30 minutes. I scolded him for being a scammer. How do you know? I told him how I know. Then came the sob story…I’m very poor, I need money etc. etc. I told him off again. As soon as I cussed at him in Hindi, he laughed and eventually hung up.


This punk went from working for Global, to Apple to MS within 5 minutes. Gave me the same BS as you @Cali4niya yet didn’t know the meaning of the simplest handshake networking terms & protocols. Told him he needs to go back to “technical suppoat” school.


They seem to want gift cards, at least that’s the story they seem to believe.