Fake scammer Peoples Call Center Fund

Scammer Website: https://thecyberdefendersdao.org
Scammer Social Media:
Owner: https://twitter.com/djbasicz
Project Twitter: https://twitter.com/TCDToken
Github: TheCyberDefenders (The Cyber Defenders DAO) · GitHub
Facebook: The Cyber Defenders DAO
Telegram: Telegram: Contact @TheCyberDefendersDAO
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@TheCyberDefendersDAO
Discord: Discord
LinkedIn: LinkedIn Login, Sign in | LinkedIn
Whitepaper: https://www.canva.com/design/DAF3MkPrujM/M64Qv5-u0P4X-9K1feQD5g/edit

The people running this website state “Funds from the pre-sale will primarily support The People’s Call Center, including salaries for cyber-security experts, operational expenses, technology upgrades, and legal pursuits against cyber-criminals.”

But they have no actual connection to the PCC as verified here: https://twitter.com/cenapayback/status/1757440437189853479

The owner djbasicz spams people who call this out and eventually started to threaten them.

They also claim they are in collaboration with the Phantom Solana wallet.

Website is a simple wordpress website: https://thecyberdefendersdao.org/wp-login.php?redirect_to=https%3A%2F%2Fthecyberdefendersdao.org%2Fwp-admin%2F&reauth=1

The bitcoin wallet linked in the site has had a few thousand moved through it too:

It is interesting to see that these people have actual humans that claim the company on linked in but clearly they are not involved with the PCC in any fashion nor are they involved with me which can lead them to significant legal trouble from using the likeness of other people to shill this product.

Kitboga also confirmed he has no association with these people and they simply spammed his email and never reached any agreement to use his likeness either but they still retweet his crypto exchange ads anyways to seem more legit.

Oh and the team is from India.

Left a negative review on Facebook. They have a number listed there (+44 7704 724882) but i don’t know what happens if you call it.