Fake Virus Alerts 833 9066691 / 844 4871330

Scammer number: 833 9066691 / 844 4871330
Popup link:
Any other scammer information: Every day these mfkrs create new ads and I post them and report them.

I call them all the time, especially since they never seem to block me. And they call back if I don’t speak to them. Where do you spot their pop ups?

I find the popups in Safari on my iPad. I go to 123Greetings dot com and all over the page are big green buttons that say CONTINUE or, today, a blue button that says BACK. Clicking on said button takes me to a popup.
I report ‘ads’ to Google but nothing gets done. Every week day there are new ads with new numbers.

Here’s another one for your amusement.

This one I had real fun, they were raged, Iam not religious but these guys are Muslims, they hate when you talk about pig…

Call this number- 650 382 4136