For those who are interested: We HAVE a group chat

Hey new friends. I’m really wanting a “chat” feature. Would anyone like to be included in a group text thread? It would be both educational and team building! :call_me_hand: who’s in?


Yes, I’m replying to myself. Have you guys search call centers India on Facebook? Bc the first open group I viewed is FULL of companies selling data. My mind is blown. Please somebody tell me I’m not alone here in this tiny bit of research I’ve done.

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you’re not the only one. I myself have a small list of Facebook groups in a scammer subsection of my bookmarks


It blew my mind when I saw it! Also, what’s NONVOICE?

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Thank you @ScammerRevolts for correcting my categorization. Also, thank you so much for this platform.

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You can actually add multiple people to a private message on TSU, once you create a message with someone simply click “add or remove” and then the “+” button to add people to the message thread.



That’s what I was hoping to do!! But so far I have no takers. Tell me, Mr SR, Would you like to join my Group chat Direct message group? :innocent: If you do, others will quickly follow. Also, I’m really looking forward to the next video!

Yeah I don’t mind haha

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My week has been made!

:loud_sound::loud_sound:Everyone who wants in said group chat Drop an emoji- if I smile, I’ll add you to this now famous group chat.

Just do one thing. :man_cartwheeling:t4:

I’m just going to drop a humble request to be added to this group DM thread. :slight_smile: Aside from the smile face, I’m not big on emojis at all, so… you just get the ramblings of a sleepy dude as my request.
In more interesting and unrelated news, I got a scammer to sing for me today, then give me a summary of the movie the song I requested came from.

I very much want to hear this singer!!! Hold the line. :slight_smile: I will add you!

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