Scammer number: 866-540-7847
Scammer website:
Fake service they are refunding: Geek Squad Security Service
Any other scammer information:
Happy hump day! Please enjoy your day! <3 Pears
region:“West Bengal”,
org:“AS23860 Alliance Broadband Services Pvt. Ltd.”,
The number isn’t working for me.
Reported to Weebly. They’re usually good about taking down sites.
OMG ! I looked at the google docs form. There are many, many submitted responses. Possible victims? What to do?
From what I am seeing the form is already taken down so at this point I guess nothing can be done since we don’t have access to the info.
But I downloaded it BEFORE it was taken down.
Well in that case each victim would need to be contacted and alerted about the scam and if the scammers got on then any software would need to be removed.
Also if access was given any passwords and credit/debit cards would need to be changed.
Website down. Weebly is the best.
Hundreds of names/numbers. No dates. Could be from months ago.
If you could call a couple of them and at least ask if they’ve been asked to fill out a form for a refund.
If you give me some of these numbers I’ll be glad to call and let them know of a scam alert
Same here!!!... That would be satisfying!!!...
Yes, I’m in, lers help them
Personally I’m just starting with scam baiting and I’m willing to help any way possible
as long as we make them aware, we can make sure their passwords and info are changed