Scammer number: (802) 944-0109
Scammer website:
Fake service they are refunding:
Any other scammer information:
Dear Customer,
We Are Renewing It for You !
I Hope you are happy and satisfied with the services received. Thanks for making a payment through my VISA X-840856745660 and authorizing the charge of $349.99 USD.
Your bank statement will show the charge:
Our Customer Support:+1(802) 9.4.4-
Payment Information
Ordered item(s) Unit Price Total
GeekSquad Premium
( 5 PC Support, ) 349.99 USD 349.99 USD
Sales Tax / VAT 00.00 USD
Grand Total 349.99 USD
Your Bank Card (xxxxxxxxxxxxx) has been successfully authorized. The charge on your bank statement will appear as GeekSquad.
*This is the most stupidiest email yet, that I have received from these assholes