How can I find popup scams at night and refund (in english)

Does any one know how to find pop ups at night and refund scams (in english) I’ve tried changing my vpn to cali and new zealand but I can’t seem to find a pop-up at night
My time zone is Eastern Standard Time
Thanks for reading my question

also on Saturdays n Sundays

Scammers mostly target during the daytime so for eng popups once it’s night in the US scammers are starting to go to bed during the day in India (not saying all scammers are in india just that they are the largest country that houses these scamming activities), and scammers generally slow down during the weekend because they take days off from scamming, also for typosquatted domains using a VPN usually leads to getting way less if not no scammer popups at all, best to just look for them when they are most active during the day time on Monday thru Friday.


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