MS/Amazon Article on fighting tech scams


I don’t know dude.

Plenty of Amazon scams every day and I don’t see actual action by Amazon like people in jail.

Is this just trying to look tough but they can’t do much?

Am easy thing Microsoft could do would be to treat Screen Connect like a virus and block installs. Remote access tools should be detectible by browsers and be incompatible with secure web sites.

Banks could take steps to block editing of HTML. Just by using a bit of JavaScript to auto refresh or overlay like Kitboga has done for years.


Agreed. Working with Indian authorities to effect arrests is something, but we all know that most of those arrests are just for show. Few scammers do any real time and they rarely if ever get the leaders. There are technical solutions that could make the scam harder to pull off, but the cost of implementation is not worth the benefit to them.

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Oh believe me @John_Smith & @ScorpionMIT, I only posted it for it’s fasheshishness and utter BS. You’d have a better chance of seeing Jesus than these incompetents actually doing anything.

But that’s the issue isn’t it. It’s not about incompetence. All of these organizations are competent enough to do significant damage to scammer operations. The problem is that they lack the will to do so. Amazon and Microsoft for financial reasons, Indian authorities for political reasons. Until companies and governments are as motivated to stop scammers as we are, there will be no change.

I’ve been saying this for months. All the company’s that are being used, Apple, Amazon, MS, Google, PayPal should start something.
Yea I get it, so much red tape to wade through. I would hope something gets rolling. But like my deceased father-in-law used to say, “Hope in one hand, shit in the other, what do you have more of?”

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Alot of the right words, but i doubt their word salad will have much clout.

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