Norton Lifelock refund scam

Scammer number: 833-449-7612 or callback (305) 438-6171 → Leads directly to john (323) 300-8954
Scammer website:
Fake service they are refunding: Norton Lifelock
Any other scammer information:


We want to express our sincere appreciation for renewing your subscription. Your trust in us propels our commitment to continuous improvement. Please find your invoice attached for your records. If you need any assistance, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Your loyalty is invaluable. Here’s to another year of shared triumphs!

Your client key is c57fb96f-66c2-4034-b51c-0d5401620eee.

Best wishes

Siquwi Cydoroxocae Tyca"

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They’re using Mcompro.ogrg for the service code also using this
I got two people you could ask for daniel or jerald willson

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Update on John so if you call him and he’s mad or acting childish story is bro had his personal paypal account open after I reverse connected to him found out he had people sending money to his paypal which when converted to our currency went to 12,500 USD Deleted all his files and took the money out of his account and told him im gonna buy some grubhub with it (Im not gonna buy grubhub gonna try and track the victims down and give back the amount given)


Man is PayPal just sitting on their asses?

How can they make it so easy to rip people off?

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Well good news is one of the sites they were tryna use had been taken down for spam so they did redirect me quite a few times

Daniel Wilson, Kelvin screen connect