PAY PAL 805-751-5418

Scammer number:805-751-5418
Scammer website:
Fake service they are refunding:PAYPAL
Any other scammer information:
Your Order 7041539795337.
Thank you for your recent purchase; it means the world to us. We’re
honored to have your support, allowing us to follow our passion. Your
trust fuels our journey.
Your Bitcoin (BTC) transaction has been successfully processed and authenticated.
If you are certain that you have not made this transaction then please get in touch with us within the next 12 hours via contacting us on
Helpline Number: +1 (805) 751-5418 and informing us of the
circumstances. Upon verification, we will be able to refund the amount into your account within 6 hours from the time of reporting.
Item Description
Trade ID
Thank you for your business
USD 600.00

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