PayPal/Norton Refund Scam - 802-618-1216

Scammer number: 802-618-1216
Scammer website: None
Fake service they are refunding: Norton Secure 360 via a fake PayPal invoice
Any other scammer information:

You get an email with a PDF that has a “PayPal Invoice” attached to it encouraging you to call the number if this is in error.

“The number you dialed in not in service.”

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It’s blocking VOIP numbers from calling. It did go through on my Sat. phone and also on my company landline.

EDIT: They’ve shut it down…at least for the time being. I got through twice and we went the screen connect route.

I’ve seen scammers block VoIP before and wonder if it’s going to be more a thing in the future.

Is there such a thing as a voice only, prepaid (pay-as-you go) cell phone plan? I don’t need data.

I got through with my “We Talk” phone caller.

Update: I guess I’m blocked now….

We were just talking of that this morning. Noticed Onvoy #'s doing that at times as of late.