Popup on ipad 866 5661953

Scammer number: 866 5661953
Popup link:
Any other scammer information: Answered as Microsoft


Got a guys who went on about how my hacked network and how scammers have full control of my network.

After 10 mins of discussion, he insist that we speak to my bank on a secured phone line. He wanted to get my bank’s toll-free number. After a few mins, he connected me to my “bank” operator who is asking for all my bank details to verify my identity. :smiley:

I had a office conference call, so, I had to curse him out and hang up.

Good Luck with this scam…


These guys aren’t happy with me calling, tell them you wanna talk to his Habbi Ryan…

Cal back number, 909-654-4761 , 901-310-5465 , 469-294-1362

Asshole still answering at 354pm ET and can magically tell my IP’s been hacked.

New Delhi India

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