Popups new numbers: 888 5869565 / 866 9923127

Scammer number: 888 5869565 / 866 9923127
Popup link:
Any other scammer information: They both answered as Microsoft even though popup says Apple Support. I find these numbers every day when I go to 123Greetings and click on a CONTINUE button. Sometimes a popup appears and other times not. Ad is run by a Pakistani named Muhammad mahmood ali

I’m here harassing these fools. I suspect they will shut down the number soon. Let’s Go!!!


New number

For copy/paste purposes: ‪(888) 910-7908‬

Call Back Numbers, 425-354-3827 , 425-354-3827 , 309-466-3320 , 872-246-3708
,872- 246-3708

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