Refund scammers: (631) 619-7937

Number: (631) 619-7937

This caller’s reminder of your Windows Defender Service you are on your computer your order has been processed and you pour through your device for the needy effect by signing up your group for Ottilie will 399100000 dollars year after year oh no it will be charged to you always a card if you were to cancel this order please press one and speak to our executive or call us at 664-522-8229.

Second (return number) stated Google voice can’t understand the number. You can retry with your carrier number or gooe voice. Weird!

The primary number does work, and i got a low energy scammer. I was outside having a smoke, and when I told him I needed to go inside to get to my laptop he said “benchod”. I ignored it and made sure he heard the doors closing. Same script, download any desk, blah blah blah. I don’t have a VM set up at the moment, so when reading the id I read all the numbers then at the last number just started messing with him. Poor bastard was so low energy I was almost sad for him, until I remembered he is a scammer.

Give em hell boys!