SPECTRUM updated number 855-854-0851

Scammer number:866-819-4142
Scammer website:
Any other scammer information: Scammin’ from 9am to 8pm Eastern time daily!!!
Answering on the first ring!!! See other posts about how the scam works or just blow them up, they love abuse, Spectrum services discount must pay 5 months in advance with Target gift cards to get the discount. Hard to put them through their script if you don’t have an actual Spectrum account to give them (I would not advise this they have some access to Spectrum usernames and passwords read other posts)

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Raging Benchods right now!!!..…

Update, just had this scammer on the phone for 5 mins…… he was raging at me…… omg, love calling these Benchods.

Next day,
Kelvin Is no fun. I keep getting the benchod


I called them three times and got them raging twice. The number now says they’re closed. I suspect they’ve been hit hard because as soon as they heard my red neck fake accent they acted all suspicious. Night y’all. Good hunting.


I’m gonna hit these Benchods hard again in the morning.

They are answering today but getting better at noticing my number time for a new number

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866-819-4142 doesn’t work for me anymore, I used 3 different phone apps……

I’m getting them on 888-204-5675 but long wait to talk to a theif might be good to review old posts they turn off numbers then turn them back on later the 4142 works from a land line not sure why not from TextFree or gv added another number above


Awsesome Job, I got raging Benchods!!!..…

Nice work they have been pretty grumpy with me too Christopher in particular but he knows how to block numbers don’t let him forward you even if he just rings once and comes right back on.


A quick question, as this is a toll free number, even if they talk, But I get their answering service, the phone call still cost them. Is this correct? Do these charges still incur even though I’m on hold? If so then I can just mute and let it sit on hold until it automatically hangs up? And they gotta pay?

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Good question!!!..……

The cost of phone service is pretty low compared to all other costs but any way we can hit them we should, calls time out after 10mins I believe

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I had one of the managers on the phone. He said they pay $25 per line per year. Im guessing theres about 30 of them scamming, but he claims theres 200 in two different call centers and they clear $80,000 a day. The big dog in the call center is named Roderick.

What do they scam per victim, though? I’m guessing $300-$500.

If 200 employees they would need to successfully scam once per day. That could add up to $80,000. Let’s say they scam 180 days a year, that’s $14 million in revenue. Maybe? There’s a lot of overhead in laundering money, converting gift cards to cash, etc.

As for 800 numbers, they are billed per minute, although you can prepay.

Costs for the cheapest 800 plan per month:

Platinum 3000	$ 78.95 	3000	Unlimited	All Included	Yes	1	4.5 ¢

2 cents a minute then going to be 4 cents a minute once 3000 run out.

But then you’ll need a PBX install and hosting. I’m not sure how they charge, either a flat rate or MB/s or something.

From what I can tell from Google, Indian call center employees make about $4000 year. For scam call centers, they probably get paid maybe 50% more. So $6000/year per person. For 200 employees that’s like $1.2m in salaries plus overhead (rent, computers, taxes, insurance, etc.)

I went through the whole scam and they told me to go to Target and get two $500 gifcards with $360 on each for a total of $720. Its different depending on how much you tell them youre currently paying for service.

Getting them good on 855-854-0851