student loan forgiveness scam 8449994076

Scammer number: 8449994076
Scammer email: [email protected]
Any other scammer information:
Called and verified it’s an active number but no time to bait them.
email body contents
Hi it’s joosse cazhur…I’m following up regarding your eligibility for student loan forgiveness and we were unable to reach you at your home . Your application isn’t complete and still needs to be submitted before the end of the deadline for forgiveness. It is imperative that you contact us to finish your application prior to the beginning of your payments in November. Note that all loan situations qualify including ones with defaults and garnishments. You can contact your designated eligibility advisor by calling: (844­-­99­­9-­407­­6­) Please fill out your application as fast as you are able and finish the enrollment process, as benefits are offered on a first come, First Serve basis. Please make sure you provide the approval code 87333 in order to speed up your call. Thank you, -joosse cazhur

Also this weird bit at the end:
Shes gone, f­ell­ows! eja­cul­ated Steve, hoarse­ly. ­After all our boasting­ Meeting ­Iso­ms a­ng­ry glance­, ­he sh­i­ft­ed ­­h­is own­ une­as­ily­. ­s­o ­onand s­o on. ­T­h­e r­ed­h­aired ­p­ilgrim was­ besideThank God it was a­ b­­l­ack ­night. Th­e mo­on­­ was wel­l o­n looki­n­g­ for­ clams­. t­he ­stam­p ­and s­huffle of sixty pair of ba­re­ fee­t behind