Now with a website!
Whois info: Whois
Now with a website!
Whois info: Whois
I called that f**king guy after wasting his time on call at last got his indian accent .
I am also from India I have reported them to police
Here their original company name
Plot No. - 504
Udyog Vihar Phase V
Gurgaon, Haryana 122015, IN
Get directions
101, Hudson Street
Suite 2100
Jersey City, New Jersey, US
Get directions
51 Monroe Street, Suite 1902
Rockville MD, US
Get directions
@ScammerRevolts see this sir
Their us address on website is parking lot
First of all, welcome aboard, and I’m glad you found us. I tried calling them, and only got the music they play when you’re put on hold. I tried again, and got a recording that told me to push a number for support. Then the call dropped. Anyways, it was a good idea to report them to the local authorities. Even if they end up doing nothing about it, they can’t say they weren’t forewarned or didn’t know what these jerks are doing.
Speaking of Google Street View, here’s what I got for “Expert Contact Support Phone Number,” based on the information in the Whois lookup. There’s no exact match, but here it is anyway: Google Maps
Lol at the Heueristic location! I’m betting this is a shell company in the US, possibly even a middleman or money mules for this scammer group. Ugh. Hopefully we can shut them down soon.
Yeah I am trying to get my local friends to get these f**king bastards to shut down soon I will upload images of their live location