Weird microsoft refund scammers - 877-874-3172

No, go for US. They’re based in US and Canada but US mostly. Here’s an example:

Ok i will go for US then mate (I’M USING MY AUSSIE VOICE TO READ THIS LOL)

As long as you have a foreign accent. I even talked to them in a Russian accent and it worked. But make sure you do have your VPN on.

anyways again unrelated but I prank called them again and I acted as a Karen they said hello mamm and I said YOU ASSUMED MY GENDER IT’S 2019 they got a different person and I said I WANT TO SPEAK TO YOUR MANAGER and I screamed and they said something like TERI maki I don’t remember and hung up

I will speak as a dad in French who’s also a karen

Hio! can you guys move this to dms please?

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So as usual I prank called first time I speaked like I was nervous and then they hung up

Second time I called them say8ng I want to speak to ze manager and they were silent

I said teri maki CHOOT bitch and hung up

Went too far

I just had access to his TV. He was scamming someone. I tried to syskey and stuff but I couldn’t do it because the cunt had fucking password on admin. His ID is 1240568257 and password was 123456 which he changed.

I found the victim’s contact number. They had access to their Mac. I have been trying to reach them but they’re just not picking up. I really feel they got scammed since the access was given.